Welcome to InterAct Math


InterAct Math is designed to help you succeed in your math course!

The tutorial exercises accompany the end-of-section exercises in your Pearson textbooks.

Beginning July 31, 2016, Pearson will discontinue our open access online homework and practice website, www.InteractMath.com.

We encourage you to try one of Pearson's online homework, assessment and tutorial programs listed below, which provide a similar user experience and additional functionality.

Please visit the product websites below for more information. As always, please feel free to contact your local Pearson representative for more details.

MathXL logo
MathXL for School logo
MyMathLab logo
MyStatLab logo
MyMathTest logo


MathXL is a powerful online homework, tutorial, and assessment system that accompanies Pearson textbooks in Mathematics and Statistics.


MathXL for School is a powerful online homework, tutorial and assessment system that helps teachers personalize learning for all students. It’s also the perfect supplement to any non-Pearson text.


MyMathLab—Pearson Education’s most robust technology solution—is a series of text-specific, easily customizable online courses for Pearson textbooks in Mathematics.




Part of the MyMathLab series, MyStatLab courses include all the great features of MyMathLab, but for Pearson textbooks in Statistics.




MyMathTest is a testing and placement tool that assesses students’ strengths and knowledge gaps.