Available Resources
From your first log-in to your fifth year of teaching with MyMathLab, there are many ways to deepen your knowledge about using MyMathLab for School. Explore our full range of options below.
Browse Online Resources

We offer a full range of how-to videos to help orient you to MyMathLab’s many features and capabilities.

We’ve assembled a library of downloadable and printable tip sheets to walk you through some best practices and deepen your MyMathLab knowledge and expertise.

Whether you are just beginning or an advanced user, we have 15 different lessons to help you create and teach a great course. These step-by-step lessons guide you through MyMathLab with detailed instructions, video examples, and interactive practice for beginning, intermediate, and advanced users.

Once you have registered and signed in to MyMathLab, be sure to look for the help resources available within the product:
Teachers & Students: Look for the ? symbol in the upper right corner of nearly every page for detailed information about the menus and options on the page you are currently viewing.
Teachers: Look for the Help & Support link in the upper right corner of your screen in order to access special teacher resources.
Attend Live and On-Demand Training

Attend live or watch on-demand Digital Learning NOW (DLN) sessions to take a deeper dive into a wide variety of topics across disciplines. From conceptualizing calculus and discussing visions of psychology to learning best practices for teaching hybrid courses, there’s something for everyone. Earn digital professional development badges for attending a live session.
To register for upcoming live webinar events, please visit Digital Learning NOW: https://www.pearson.com/en-us/higher-education/campaigns/digital-learning-now.html